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COVID19 Update:  To slow the transmission of COVID19, sessions with
Dr. Hubel (she/her) are primarily via telehealth.

Floating Flowers

Kerry Hubel, Ph.D.

California Licensed Clinical Psychologist PSY. 26160

(408) 462-0442

Providing individual therapy and neuropsychological services
in the South Bay area.

Wild Flowers

Learn About My Methods

My therapeutic approach is rooted in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), however I use a variety of different therapy techniques, selecting approaches that are suited to each individual client.  My therapy starts from a place of support and understanding, so that difficult challenges can be faced together from a place of trust. I have experience working with clients experiencing challenges with loss, depression, anxiety, relationships, and trauma.  I also work with clients facing major life adjustments, including aging, medical disorders, and brain injury.  My goal with every client is to build a relationship that will facilitate recovery, skill building, and personal growth.

Field of Flowers

Depression, Anxiety, Loss

Individual therapy can provide tools to learn to cope, overcome, and improve the quality of of your life.

Flower in Sunlight

Life Changes

Learn to adjust to life changes such as relationship challenges, medical conditions, job changes, and retirement .

Dewy Flowers

Neuropsychological Services

Neuropsychological assessment can help identify cognitive strengths and weakness to promote understanding and determine next steps for clients and families dealing with cognitive decline related to neurological and psychological disorders.



123 Di Salvo Avenue 
Suite 40
San Jose, California 95128


©2020 by Kerry Hubel, Ph.D. Proudly created with

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